My Heart Along A Year Journey In College

well,the reason i made up my mind to write about this was because,im gonna start the new beginning,in just a few days,which is a big journey that will define who i am in the future.Yea,all of us takkan pernah dapat lari dari cerita masa lalu.Im never gave up on my present ,it was because there a lot of sweet memories,tears,hardwork,bad memories,people i met and a lot more,that defined who am i today.
Sincerely,i've wasted a lot of opportunities,especially when i was 16 years old.OMG i want my 16year old me so bad.A lot of things that i have to mend.i believed that,if im seize the opportunity well i can even study abroad,having scholarship,Im not like nak cakap besar,but i know who i am.But,a 16years old me terlalu naive.
I teach my self,for not regret too much,and believed that everything happen for a reason.
Seriously,continued my study in Perlis matriculation College was not in my plan,maybe allah perkenan kan my doa at that time.A month before SPM,i was like losing hope,and i just work as best as i can,and i doa a lot untk tak dapat kolej sama dngn my batch and i dont know la whats wrong with me.
Bring all the strenght and a little piece of confident,togehter with all the the mistake ive did,with all the mess ive done,i walk like a new me,full of fresh to start the new journey.When everyone start complaining about their shoes,because the day was gloomy and rainy,myself walk happyly mith my pinky crogs,no heels yea for the first day.
Glad,met with iman shalirah,izzati hadhirah,shahida fadhlin,my humble,happy,crazy,lazy,intelligent,brilliant ,hardworking,workholic ladies.They taught me a lot,we just complete each other,always help each other.
As well as my humble and generous classmates.Iman,Faris,faizah,Mira,fatihah,kai ling,keerthana ,Hafiz and the super brilliant one Jin lin.For the rest of my life,it was the fisrt time myself have the diffrent races friends,and great i can adapt well with them,im glad when my friends said i can survive where ever i go,and actually things take time,sometimes i pretend je boleh walaupun tak bole.Haha
Act im kind shy la to wrote this part,but whatever,Deep inside my heart,*oky am talking about one of the boy in my class*,He is the most diffrent la for me,because never once i ada kawan mamak,yea.So,kind special la,hehe.if am not mistaken he second intake student,our first met dekat class,his first registration day,i dont know,but seriously when the first time i see him,my heart said,Wow im gonna marry him,this is exactly man i dream for the rest of my life hahahhah.*crazy me*.Sincerely,i lebih suka berkawan dulu,because i can know him more*maybe*,so i can oh dia ni macam ni,dia suka ni,family dia macm ni,like that like this.Im a picky atc,but i just want the best for myself.why not,*ok forget about him*
I dont know how others sempat couple and so on,because i dont even have time for myself,matriculation year,was the busiest year as for me.Busy with the assignment,tutorial question,catchup killer topics,programmes held by college,sibuk qadar tidur,especially for those who like me,lambat nak pickup.Busy prepared for the examination,how to kejar pointer 3.5 above,busy bagi confident dekat diri that i could do my best.
Sem 2 kind hard for me,a lot of things happened,retake my muet,explore courses and a lot more,But the ending kinda sad ,all because of covid thingy.
Bring myself out of my comfort zone*a good zone i mean*,is the best decision ever.and in the future iwill seize every opportunity well to build a better me.
But all in all,Perlis is the place ,where i grew myself a lot.
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