Life Is Full with Suprise.


I still remember a decade ago, i was 12 year old. A 12 year old me was so addicted with social media names facebook. At first my brother and i doesnt have any facebook account. But out of nowhere, my cousin came to my grandma house and open the fb account for us. Everyday past by, i was struggle with my addiction to facebook, i dont know why. However, i love a 12 year old me, it is because it was a year where i found myself, i know what i want, i started setting a goals and so on. I was never care about love and so on.

In Malaysia, a 12 year old students are in standard 6 where we need to sit for a big examination to help us to qualify ourself to a good and quality school such as boarding school, mrsm and so on. Everyday, during i am 12 years old, i will comeback home from school at 3 or 3.30 pm something because we need to attend for our additional class, we will give an extra task or question by the teachers. I learn mathematics, science, bahasa melayu. and english as well as agama islam. At that time, i was so weak in all subjects, so early of the year i start setting up my target, my goals and my strategy. Everything was still fresh in my memories

- Ive never missed even a day school at that time
-ive always attend the additional class
-sometimes i do pay full attention in the class
-ive always attend night additional class
-after back from school, i will continue self study at home
-after back from night additional class, i will continue self study and then sleep.
-i will attend private tuition every saturday night from 8-10 pm.

Other than that, my mother spent a lot of money buying a exercise books for me, for each subject and i did all of the question. All i could say, i do really struggle and husstle back in 2013, and i do love myself at that time. 

One night, my mother just pick me up from the night additional class at 10.00 pm. When we arrived home, i can see the stars shining brights like a diamond, and my heart felt so happy and excited for my future life.

All i could say, the hard work paid off. I finally achieved full A's during my UPSR and seriously to say, i need all the enrgy back. I missed my 12 year old me very much.

However, life past by, people go people comes. 


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